
This project makes use of a Makefile to automate popular workflows. So far, the following workflows exist:

Launch Jupyter Lab#

run the following snippet in the terminal app#
poetry run make jupyter lab

This command will launch Jupyter Lab in your browser. From there, you can interact with project notebooks.

Build docs as HTML#

run the following snippet in the terminal app#
poetry run make docs build html

This command will build the docs site as HTML. The HTML files will be located in the docs/_build/html directory.

Launch docs server#

run the following snippet in the terminal app#

This command will launch a local server to view the docs site. The server will be accessible at http://localhost:7777.

Run tests#

run the following snippet in the terminal app#
poetry run make tests

This command will run all tests in the tests directory using pytest.

Run Formatters#

run the following snippet in the terminal app#
poetry run make format

This command will run all formatters including:

  • isort

  • autoflake

  • black

Create requirements.txt file#

run the following snippet in the terminal app#
poetry run make create requirements file

This command will create a requirements.txt file in the project root directory using pipreqs. This file can be used to install dependencies in a non-poetry environment.